My Type


Cards (folded) with alphabets, size A5 (approx. 15x22 cm)

Hand set from metal and wood type in my studio

Details on type and type designer provided on last page

Alphabets are either printed on a linoprint background or accompanied by ornaments or borders

Printed on strong designer's papers with characterstic structure (250 g/qm)

Every alphabet printed in a limited edition of between 20 and 40 copies only

Each card with envelope Euro 6,-










Complete edition

- limited edition of 3
- numbered and signed
- 99 original prints
- in 2 wooden boxes

Subskriptions taken until March 31st 2013: Euro 540.00 plus shipping

From April 1st 2013 Euro 600.00 plus shipping

Favorite edition

- 50 original prints
- in 1 wooden box
- made to individual order

Euro 295.00 plus shipping




Adagio 1953

Karl Klauá


Akzidenz Grotesk 1898

Gunter Gerhard Lange and others


Amati 1951

Georg Trump


Ariston 1932

Martin Wilke


with background (left)

just alphabet (right)

Arkona bold 1936

Karl Klauá




Bernhard Antiqua 1912

Lucian Bernhard


Bernhard-Fraktur 1912

Lucian Bernhard


Bernhard Sch”nschrift fine 1925

Lucian Bernhard


Bodoni bold italic


Bookman 1921



Bravour 1925

M. Jacoby-Boy


Brudi italic 1954

Walter Brudi


Burgerschaftsfraktur ca. 1910


Candida italic 1937

Walter Hohnisch


Castellar 1957

John Peters


Charme 1957

Hans Helmut Matheis


Chronika 1937

Walter Jacobs

Claudius 1933

Rudolf + P. Koch


Columna 1952

Max Caflisch


Delphin 1954

Georg Trump


Back (right)

Deutsch-R”misch bold 1930

Friedrich Hermann Ernst Schneidler


Diskus 1938

Martin Wilke




Duo dark 1954

Alfred Finsterer


Duo light 1954

Alfred Finsterer


Bold Antiqua



Figaro 1961


Flinsch Privat 1918

Lucian Bernhard


Florida 1932

Hans Carl Gustav mohring


Folio extrabold (1957-1963)


Fortuna 1930

Friedrich Bauer


Forum I 1949

Georg Trump


Forum II 1952

Georg Trump


Fox 1953

Werner Rebhuhn


Fresko 1936

Howard. A. Trafton


Futura bold (1928-1954)

Paul Renner


Ganz Grobe Gotisch 1930



Garamond italic




Genzsch Antiqua 1907

Friedrich Bauer


Black Letter Varieties


Gronau Gotisch 1850


Hammer Unziale / Hammerschrift 1923

Victor Hammer


Hermann Gotisch 1934

Herbert Tannh„user


Hiero Rhode light 1944

Johannes Anton Hieronymus Rhode


with background (left)

just alphabet (right)

Hobby 1955

Werner Rebhuhn


Jaguar 1964

Georg Trump


Koch Antiqua italic 1923

Rudolf Koch


Koch Antiqua mager 1922

Rudolf Koch


Kreá Versal 1923

Otto Freiherr von Kreá


Legende 1937

Friedrich Hermann Ernst Schneidler


Lichte Holl„ndisch 1922

P. A. Demeter


Liturgisch 1906

Otto Hupp


Lucian 1932

Lucian Bernhard


Maxim 1956

Peter Schneidler


Memphis light  and outline

Rudolf Wolf


just alphabet (right)

Memphis bold 1932

Rudolf Wolf


Mirabelle (Isolde) 1912


Mistral 1954

Roger Excoffon


Mona Lisa 1929

Albert Auspurg


Optima semibold 1958

Hermann Zapf


Ornata 1943

Oskar Hermann Werner Hadank


Palette 1950

Martin Wilke


Parlamentsfraktur 1908



Post Antiqua 1938

Herbert Post


Privat 1966

Joachim Julius Siercke


Quick 1933

Howard A. Trafton


Reiner Black 1953

Imre Reiner


Reporter 1938

Carl Winckow


Rex 1924

Carl Adam


Rhapsodie 1951

Ilse Schle


Schadow bold 1938

Georg Trump


Signum 1955

Georg Trump


(back: right))

Stabil 1926

Wilhelm Woellner Giesserei


Stahl 1939

Emil Johannes Khne


Tempo 1930

Walter H”hnisch


Time Script 1956

Georg Trump


Time Script bold 1956

Georg Trump


with background (left)

just alphabet (right)

Titula 1956

Alfred Finsterer


Trajanus 1939

Warren Chapell


Trio A 1936

Henry Reinhard M”ller


with background (left)

just alphabet (right)

Trump Deutsch 1937

Georg Trump


Trump Medieval 1954
italic bold

Georg Trump


Unger Fraktur



with background (left)

just alphabet (right)

Vend“me bold 1952

Francois Ganeau


Verona 1958

Hans Helmut Matheis


Wallau semibold 1931

Rudolf Koch


Wallau narrow bold 1931

Rudolf Koch


just alphabet (right)

Weiá-Lapidar bold 1931

Emil Rudolf Weiá


Wilhelm-Klingspor type 1925

Rudolf Koch









Reporter 1938

Carl Winckow


Plakatgrotesk or Werbegrotesk


Poster type -Ampersand-


Poster type -E-

left: blue

right: green

Poster type -E-


red + green (just alphabet (left)


Poster type -X-



just alphabet (right)

Poster type -
Art Nouveau -Numerals


Poster type Black Letter (incomplete)


Back: Kurmark (1934)











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