Lyricards are cards with lyrics, i. e. large size cards with poems - resembling a framed picture.
In this series you will find English and German poetry by known authors like Thomas Hood or Heinrich Heine.
Texts are hand set from metal type and typography and design resemble a framed picture using old letterpress ornaments. Some cards will be printed multicolour, all are printed on a handdriven proofing press.
Papers choosen are strong, structured and always with a natural surface. Each card comes with an envelope. The card's size ist 15x22 cm. Every card is a limited edition
Friedrich Rckert
Es hat sich gegen die Liebe die Vernunft ermannt ... (German)
Metal type: Bernhard Sch”nschrift
blue red red and black
Albert von Schlippenbach
In der Ferne (German)
Metal type: Straáburg
blue yellow yellow and green
Detlev von Liliencron
Glckes genug (German)
Metal type: Brgerschaftsfraktur
James Thomson
Gifts (English)
Metal type: Diskus
blue yellow yellow and green
William Dunbar
Of the Changes of Life (English)
Metal type: Trajanus
Thomas Hood
Song (English)
Metal type: Trajanus
Thomas Hood
Song for Music (English)
Metal type: Rhapsodie
yellow yellow and green red and purple brown
Otto Julius Bierbaum
Freundliche Vision (German)
Metal type: Stahl
blue red
Ludwig Tieck
Zeit (German)
Metal type: Post-Antiqua
Heinrich Heine
Garten (German)
Metal type: Quick
Ludwig Uhland
Heimkehr (German)
Metal type: Legende
red red and purple
John Boyle O'Reilly
A White Rose (English)
Metal type: Rhapsodie
red and purple red and black
Bret Harte
What the Bullet Sang (English)
Metal type: Trajanus
two shades of brown
Walter Savage Landor
Finis (English)
Metal type: Quick
two shades of brown
Joseph von Eichendorff
šber Wipfel und Saaten (German)
Metal type: Parlamentsfraktur
two shades of brown
Gottfried Herder
Lied des Lebens (German)
Metal type: Vend“me
yellow yelloe and green
Friedrich Rckert
Ganz oder gar nicht (German)
Metal type: Liturgisch
red and purple
Sir John Davies
Man (English)
Metal Type: Jaguar
red and black
Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Dream Pedlary (English)
Metal Type: Amati
red and black
Card with envelope Euro 5,- Multicolour card with envelope Euro 6,-